184 Main Street

Medway, MA 02053

8 North Main Street

Attleboro, MA 02703

75 Second Avenue

Needham, MA 02494

What to Do Following an Accident

What to Do Following a Car Accident

When you or a loved one has been involved in a collision, it can feel like your entire world has been shaken. The most important thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention for any injuries. After that, you should speak with our attorneys who can tell you what to do following a crash. We can provide you with the legal support and advice you need to ensure that your rights are protected.

Protect Your Interests: Talk With a Lawyer Before Any Insurance Company

When an auto accident causes damages exceeding $1,000, or if there are any injuries, an accident report must be filled out and filed with the Registry of Motor Vehicles, the police and your insurance company. It can be tempting to take care of this right away so you can begin to move on with your life. However, you should speak with one of our lawyers before filling out a report, giving a statement to any insurance company, or taking any type of insurance company advice. We can help make sure that every aspect of the accident is handled properly so you receive full compensation.

Our attorneys will advise you on the steps that should be taken at each step of the way. We can mount a thorough investigation of the accident to ensure that all evidence is preserved and nothing gets overlooked. It is particularly important to talk with our lawyers if you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or an underinsured motorist, as this means you will have to file a claim against your own insurance company.

There are certain strict deadlines for reporting certain types of accidents. If you contact us promptly, we can ensure that you meet those requirements.

Above All, Seek Medical Attention

If you are the victim of a car accident and do not have adequate health care insurance, you may be reluctant to seek medical attention. This is a mistake, even when your injuries may appear to be minor. In Massachusetts, no-fault insurance coverage is available to every injured person involved in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who was at fault. By getting proper medical documentation, we can build the strongest case possible as we seek the compensation you deserve.

Have You Been Hurt in a Vehicle Collision? Our Massachusetts Attorneys Can Help

When you do not know what to do following a car accident, we can help. Early morning, evening, weekend and off-site appointments are available. We offer convenient office locations in Medway, Needham and Attleboro, Massachusetts. Call for a free case evaluation.

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